Module WeaponUnit

Displays information about the weapon's state.

Element class: Weapon

Extends: Element


getWidgetData () Get element data as JSON.
getAmmo () Returns the item ID of the currently equipped ammo.
getAmmoCount () Returns the current amount of remaining ammunition.
getMaxAmmo () Returns the maximum amount of ammunition the weapon can carry.
isOutOfAmmo () Checks if the weapon is out of ammo.
isOperational () Deprecated: Returns 1 if the wapon is not broken and compatible with the construct size.
getOperationalState () Returns 1 if the wapon is not broken and compatible with the construct size.
getStatus () Returns the current weapon status.
getContainerId () Returns the local ID of the container linked to the weapon.
getHitProbability () Returns the current hit probability of the weapon for the current target.
getBaseDamage () Returns the base weapon damage.
getOptimalAimingCone () Returns the optimal aim cone.
getOptimalDistance () Returns the optimal distance to target.
getMaxDistance () Returns the maximum distance to target.
getOptimalTracking () Returns the optimal tracking rate.
getMagazineVolume () Returns the magazine volume.
getCycleTime () Returns the weapon cycle time.
getReloadTime () Returns the weapon reload time.
getUnloadTime () Returns the weapon unload time.
getTargetId () Returns the ID of the current target construct of the weapon.
EVENT_onReload (ammoId) Event: Emitted when the weapon starts reloading.
EVENT_onReloaded (ammoId) Event: Emitted when the weapon has reloaded.
EVENT_onMissed (targetId) Event: Emitted when the weapon has missed its target.
EVENT_onDestroyed (targetId) Event: Emitted when the weapon target has been destroyed.
EVENT_onElementDestroyed (targetId, itemId) Event: Emitted when an element on the weapon target has been destroyed.
EVENT_onHit (targetId, damage) Event: Emitted when the weapon has hit.


getWidgetData ()
Get element data as JSON.

Weapons have a weapon widget, which contains the following fields (bold fields are visible when making custom use of the widget):

  • properties (table) Current weapon properties.
    • ammoCount (int) Remaining ammo. Not present while reloading.
    • ammoMax (int) Max capacity for current ammo. Not present while reloading.
    • ammoName (int) Name of current ammo.
    • ammoTypeId (int) Type id of current ammo.
    • baseDamage (float) (?).
    • cycleAnimationRemainingTime (float) Remaining time for current action (s), only appears to affect status codes 3 and 4.
    • disableFire (int) (?).
    • fireBlocked (boolean) Indicates weapon is blocked (?).
    • fireCounter (int) Number of shots fired (?).
    • fireReady (boolean) Indicates weapon is ready to fire (?).
    • hitProbability (float) Likelyhood of hitting target (?).
    • hitResult (int) (?).
    • impactCounter (int) (?).
    • maxDistance (float) (?).
    • missCounter (int) (?).
    • operationalStatus (int) (?).
    • optimalAimingCone (float) Optimal aim cone (deg).
    • optimalDistance (float) Optimal distance (m).
    • optimalTracking (float) Optimal tracking rate (deg/s).
    • outOfZone (boolean) Indicates out of PVP zone (?).
    • repeatedFire (boolean) Indicates weapon will fire repeatedly (?).
    • weaponStatus (int) Status code:
      • 0: No animation in progress.
      • 1: Firing(?).
      • 2: (?)
      • 3: Loading/Reloading(?) ammo.
      • 4: Unloading ammo.
  • staticProperties (table) Weapon attributes.
    • baseDamage (float) Weapon base damage.
    • magazineVolume (float) Magazine volume (L).
    • cycleTime (float) Weapon rate of fire (s).
    • reloadTime (float) Weapon reload time (s).
    • unloadTime (float) Weapon unload time (s).
    • size (float) Weapon cycle time (s).
  • targetConstruct (table) Target attributes.
    • name (string) Name of target, will be blank if not provided.
    • constructId (int) Id of target.
  • name (string) The name of the element.
  • elementId (int) The (globally unique?) id of the weapon element, may be related to linking the commands to the element.
  • helperId (string) weapon
  • type (string) weapon

Descriptions of fields with a (?) are uncertain and need more testing.


    string Data as JSON.
getAmmo ()
Returns the item ID of the currently equipped ammo.


    int The item ID of the ammunition in the weapon.
getAmmoCount ()
Returns the current amount of remaining ammunition.


    int The remaining ammunition count (0 when reloading).
getMaxAmmo ()
Returns the maximum amount of ammunition the weapon can carry.


    int The maximum amount of ammunition.
isOutOfAmmo ()
Checks if the weapon is out of ammo.


    0/1 1 if the weapon is out of ammo.
isOperational ()
Deprecated: Returns 1 if the wapon is not broken and compatible with the construct size.

This method is deprecated: getOperationalState should be used instead


    0/1 1 if the weapon is operational, otherwise 0.

See also:

getOperationalState ()
Returns 1 if the wapon is not broken and compatible with the construct size.


    int 1 if the weapon is operational, otherwise 0 = broken, -1 = incompatible size.
getStatus ()
Returns the current weapon status.

Possible status:

  • 1: Idle
  • 2: Firing
  • 3: Reloading
  • 4: Unloading


    int The current status of the weapon.
getContainerId ()
Returns the local ID of the container linked to the weapon.


    int The local ID of the container.
getHitProbability ()
Returns the current hit probability of the weapon for the current target.


    float The hit probability of the weapon.
getBaseDamage ()
Returns the base weapon damage.


    float The base weapon damage in hitpoints.
getOptimalAimingCone ()
Returns the optimal aim cone.


    float The optimal aim cone in degrees.
getOptimalDistance ()
Returns the optimal distance to target.


    float The optimal distance in meters.
getMaxDistance ()
Returns the maximum distance to target.


    float The optimal distance in meters.
getOptimalTracking ()
Returns the optimal tracking rate.


    float The optimal tracking rate in degrees per second.
getMagazineVolume ()
Returns the magazine volume.


    float The magazine volume in liters.
getCycleTime ()
Returns the weapon cycle time.


    float The weapon cycle time in seconds.
getReloadTime ()
Returns the weapon reload time.


    float The weapon reload time in seconds.
getUnloadTime ()
Returns the weapon unload time.


    float The weapon unload time in seconds.
getTargetId ()
Returns the ID of the current target construct of the weapon.


    int The target construct ID.
EVENT_onReload (ammoId)
Event: Emitted when the weapon starts reloading.

Note: This is documentation on an event handler, not a callable method.


  • ammoId int The item ID of the ammo.
EVENT_onReloaded (ammoId)
Event: Emitted when the weapon has reloaded.

Note: This is documentation on an event handler, not a callable method.


  • ammoId int The item ID of the ammo.
EVENT_onMissed (targetId)
Event: Emitted when the weapon has missed its target.

Note: This is documentation on an event handler, not a callable method.


  • targetId int The construct ID of the target.
EVENT_onDestroyed (targetId)
Event: Emitted when the weapon target has been destroyed.

Note: This is documentation on an event handler, not a callable method.


  • targetId int The construct ID of the target.
EVENT_onElementDestroyed (targetId, itemId)
Event: Emitted when an element on the weapon target has been destroyed.

Note: This is documentation on an event handler, not a callable method.


  • targetId int The construct ID of the target.
  • itemId int The item ID of the destroyed element.
EVENT_onHit (targetId, damage)
Event: Emitted when the weapon has hit.

Note: This is documentation on an event handler, not a callable method.


  • targetId int The construct ID of the target.
  • damage float The damage amount dealt by the hit.
generated by LDoc 1.5.0 Last updated 2024-09-27 15:22:47