Module TelemeterUnit

Measures the distance to an obstacle in front of it.

Element class: TelemeterUnit

Extends: Element


getDistance () Deprecated: Returns the distance to the first obstacle in front of the telemeter.
raycast () Emits a raycast from the telemeter, returns a raycastHit object.
getRayOrigin () Returns telemeter raycast origin in local construct coordinates.
getRayWorldOrigin () Returns telemeter raycast origin in world coordinates.
getRayAxis () Returns telemeter raycast axis in local construct coordinates.
getRayWorldAxis () Returns telemeter raycast axis in world coordinates.
getMaxDistance () Returns the max distance from which an obstacle can be detected (default is 100m).
mockGetClosure () Mock only, not in-game: Bundles the object into a closure so functions can be called with "." instead of ":".


getDistance ()
Deprecated: Returns the distance to the first obstacle in front of the telemeter.

This method is deprecated: raycast().distance should be used instead


    meter The distance to the obstacle. Returns -1 if there are no obstacles up to getMaxDistance.

See also:

raycast ()
Emits a raycast from the telemeter, returns a raycastHit object.


    table A table with fields: {[bool] hit, [float] distance, [vec3] point}
getRayOrigin ()
Returns telemeter raycast origin in local construct coordinates.


    vec3 The telemeter raycast origin.
getRayWorldOrigin ()
Returns telemeter raycast origin in world coordinates.


    vec3 The telemeter raycast origin.
getRayAxis ()
Returns telemeter raycast axis in local construct coordinates.


    vec3 The telemeter raycast axis.
getRayWorldAxis ()
Returns telemeter raycast axis in world coordinates.


    vec3 The telemeter raycast axis.
getMaxDistance ()
Returns the max distance from which an obstacle can be detected (default is 100m).


    float The max distance to detectable obstacles in meters.
mockGetClosure ()
Mock only, not in-game: Bundles the object into a closure so functions can be called with "." instead of ":".


    table A table encompasing the api calls of object.

See also:

generated by LDoc 1.4.6 Last updated 2022-12-01 00:35:59